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Samira Sarraf
Regional Editor for Australia and New Zealand

OzTech: ICT jobs experience fastest growth in Australia; 4 projects to help school kids into tech; LeadSquared creates 18 IT jobs in Victoria

Aug 14, 20222 mins
CareersIT Jobs

OzTech Roundup is Computerworld Australia’s weekly look at the world of IT.

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Fast growth for ICT jobs in Australia

While Australia will see 11% of jobs lost to automation by 2040, the ICT industry will experience its fastest growth, excluding newly created jobs, according to data from Forrester. One reason for the increase in automation the high employee costs in Australia, the research found.

ICT careers that will experience the fastest growth are database and systems administrators, information and communications technology security specialists, and software and applications programmers.

Forrester expects Australia’s working population to have grown 23% by 2040.

Four projects picked under the NSW Collaboration and Innovation fund

The New South Wales government has announced the projects being funded under the $1.8 million Collaboration and Innovation fund. The fund is designed to encourage high school students to explore technology entrepreneurships and to offer toolkits to help regional and culturally and linguistically diverse students bridge the skills gap between school and university. Projects are also aligned with the NSW Higher Education Strategy.

Projects funded through the Collaboration and Innovation fund in 2022 are:

  • Startup @ Schools (University of Technology Sydney and the University of Newcastle): workshops to encourage Year 9 and 10 students to pursue technology-enabled entrepreneurship as a career
  • Teachers Aide Pathway (Charles Sturt University, TAFE NSW, and Regional Development Australia Orana): upskilling teachers’ aides currently employed in NSW schools to become qualified teachers in regional communities
  • Start @ Uni (UNSW Sydney and the University of Sydney): for first-year regional and culturally and linguistically diverse students transitioning to university, which aims to address academic skills gaps between high school and university
  • The Academy (University of New England and the Dhiiyaan Centre): preparing Aboriginal students for higher education from Year 8 through to tertiary enrolment via a curriculum that merges Aboriginal knowledge with science.

LeadSquared creates 18 IT jobs in Victoria

India-headquartered LeadSquared is opening an Oceania headquarter in Melbourne and has promised to create 18 “high-skilled” jobs.

The software-as-a-service provider is also opening its global training hub in Melbourne and is looking to partner with a local university to deliver its training program.

LeadSquare has more than 1,000 staff with operations in India, the US, Singapore, the Middle East, and South Africa.

Samira Sarraf
Regional Editor for Australia and New Zealand

Samira Sarraf covered technology and business across the IT channel before managing the enterprise IT content for the, CSO Online, and Computerworld editions in Australia and New Zealand. With a focus on government cybersecurity and policies, she is now an editor with CSO Online global.

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