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Outlook for Microsoft 365 cheat sheet

Aug 04, 202123 mins
Microsoft 365Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Outlook

Learn to use the best new features in Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365 in Windows.

Computerworld Cheat Sheet > Microsoft > Outlook [Office 365]
Credit: IDG / Microsoft

There are countless ways to communicate electronically, including texting, social media, collaboration apps like Teams and Slack, and video software such as Zoom and Skype.

Given the myriad ways you can get in touch with others, you may well think email is dead.

Think again.

Email, the mainstay of workplace communications, is stronger than ever. An estimated 306.4 billion emails were sent every day in 2020, according to Statista — a figure that the market research firm expects to grow to 376.4 billion daily emails by 2025.

If you’re using an email client rather than a cloud-based email service, there’s a very good chance that you’re using Microsoft Outlook, the most popular Windows-based piece of email software. Although you may have been using Outlook for some time, you might be missing out on some of its worthwhile features.

Microsoft sells Office under two models: Individuals and businesses can pay for the software license up front and own it forever (what the company calls the “perpetual” version of the suite), or they can purchase an Office 365 or Microsoft 365 subscription, which means they have access to the software for only as long as they keep paying the subscription fee.

When you purchase a perpetual version of the suite — say, Office 2016 or Office 2019 — its applications will never get new features, whereas Office 365 apps are continually updated with new features. (For more details, see ”Microsoft Office 2019 vs. Office 365: How to pick the best one for you“) Confusing matters even more, Microsoft has recently renamed some, but not all, of its Office 365 subscriptions under the “Microsoft 365” moniker, which generally means the plan includes everything from the old Office 365 plans plus some additional features and apps.

This cheat sheet gets you up to speed on the features that have been introduced in the Windows desktop client for Outlook in Office 365 and Microsoft 365 since 2015. We’ll periodically update this story as new features roll out. (If you’re using the perpetual-license Outlook 2016 or 2019, see our separate Outlook for 2016 and 2019 cheat sheet.)

Share this story: IT folks, we hope you’ll pass this guide on to your users to help them learn to get the most from Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365 in Windows.

Use the classic or simplified Ribbon

The Ribbon interface that you came to know and love (or perhaps hate) in earlier versions of Outlook has gotten a nice tweak for those who prefer simplicity to an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink look. You can now use a simplified Ribbon that shows only the most frequently used features, rather than the full panoply of what’s available to you in Outlook. You can switch back and forth between the new simplified Ribbon and the classic one with a single click.

(Because the Ribbon has been included in Office applications since Office 2007, we assume you’re familiar with how it works in general. If you need a refresher, see our Outlook 2010 cheat sheet.)

outlook microsoft365 01 ribbon home tab

For those who like the “everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” look, the classic Ribbon is still available in Outlook. (Click image to enlarge it.)

To switch from the classic Ribbon to the simplified one, click the small down arrow (also called a caret) in the lower right-hand corner of the Ribbon. The Ribbon narrows considerably and shows only the most common tasks you need to do, giving you more screen real estate to do your actual work. To get the classic Ribbon back, click the caret again (it’s now upfacing).

outlook microsoft365 02a simplified ribbon

Here’s the stripped-down, simplified Ribbon, which shows only the most commonly used commands. (Click image to enlarge it.)

However, you don’t necessarily have to go back to the full, classic Ribbon if you are looking for a specific task. If a button on the simplified Ribbon has a caret on it, you can click it to see a drop-down menu with related tasks. There’s also a three-dot icon at the right end of the Ribbon; click it and a drop-down menu appears with several tasks you might want to do related to the Ribbon tab you’re currently on — for example, managing junk mail if you’re on the Home tab. Select the task you want to do, and you’re set.

You can also add any task from the drop-down menu to the simplified Ribbon itself. Right-click any of them and select Pin to Ribbon to do it.

To find out which commands live on which tabs on the Ribbon, download our Outlook for Microsoft 365 Ribbon quick reference. Also note that you can use the search bar above the Ribbon to find commands, as I’ll discuss in the next section of this story.

As in previous versions of Outlook, if you want the Ribbon commands to go away completely, press Ctrl-F1. (The tabs above the Ribbon stay visible.) To make them reappear, press Ctrl-F1 again. That works for both the simplified Ribbon and the classic one.

You’ve got other options for displaying the Ribbon as well, and these options also work with both the simplified and classic Ribbons. To get to them, click the Ribbon Display Options icon at the top right of the screen, just to the left of the icons for minimizing, maximizing, and closing Outlook. From the drop-down menu, you can choose Auto-hide Ribbon (hide the entire Ribbon, both the tabs and commands underneath them), Show Tabs (show the tabs but hide the commands underneath them, as when you press Ctrl-F1), or Show Tabs and Commands (show the whole Ribbon).

And if for some reason the blue color on Outlook’s title bar is too much for you, you can turn it white, gray, or black. To do it, select File > Options > General. In the “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, click the down arrow next to Office Theme, and select Dark Gray, Black, or White from the drop-down menu. To make the title bar blue again, instead choose the Colorful option from the drop-down list. You can also choose to have the theme match your overall system settings by selecting Use system setting.

 Just above the Office Theme menu is an Office Background drop-down menu — here you can choose to display a pattern such as a circuit board or circles and stripes in the title bar.

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You can change Outlook’s blue title bar to gray, black, or white: In the “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, click the down arrow next to Office Theme and pick a color. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Use the Search bar for more than searching emails

The search bar at the top of Oulook is deceptively simple-looking. You likely assume you can use it for searching through your emails and that’s it.

But the search bar does double duty: you can, of course, use it for searching, and it can also help you find any Outlook capability, no matter how hidden, even if you’ve never used it. (This hands-on help capability replaces the Tell Me feature found in Outlook 2016 and 2019.)

To use it, click in the search box, and then type in what task you’d like to do. (Those who prefer keyboard shortcuts can instead press Alt-Q to get to the search box.)

For example, if you want to filter your mail to see only messages with attachments, type in filter email. In this instance, the top result is a Filter Email listing with an arrow to its right, indicating that it has many options. Hover your mouse over it, and you see multiple options for filtering your mail, including Unread, Has Attachments, This Week, and others. Choose the option you want, and the task will be performed instantly.

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You can use Outlook’s search bar to perform just about any task. (Click image to enlarge it.)

For the most common basic tasks, you won’t need this capability. But for more complex ones, it’s worth using, because it’s much more efficient than hunting through the Ribbon to find a command. It also remembers the features you’ve previously clicked on in the search results, so when you click in the box, you first see a list of previous tasks you’ve searched for. That makes sure that the tasks you frequently perform are always within easy reach, while at the same time making tasks you rarely do easily accessible.

Do online research from right inside Outlook

Sometimes emails are just quick notes that don’t require much research, and you can toss them off with little or no thought. Other times, though, you’ll want to include relevant information before sending them off. Those are the times you’ll appreciate being able to do online research from right within Outlook. You can do this while you’re writing an email, so you won’t have to fire up your browser, search the web, and then copy the information or pictures to your message.

To do it, highlight a word or group of words in an email — it can be a new draft, a message you’ve received, or one you’ve already sent — and select Search from the menu that appears. Outlook then uses Bing to do a web search on the word or words, displaying definitions, related Wikipedia entries, pictures and other results from the web in the Search pane that appears on the right.

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You can do web research from right within Outlook. (Click image to enlarge it.)

To use online research in Outlook or any other Office app, you might first need to enable Microsoft’s intelligent services feature, which collects your search terms and some content from your  documents and other files. (If you’re concerned about privacy, you’ll need decide whether the privacy hit is worth the convenience of doing research from right within the app.) If you haven’t enabled it, you’ll see a screen when you click Search asking you to turn it on. Once you do so, it will be turned on across all your Office applications.

Get a more focused inbox

If you’re like the rest of the world, you suffer from email overload. Your most important messages are mixed in with the dross of everyday email life — retailing come-ons, groups begging for donations, pointless newsletters and more.

Focused Inbox helps solve the problem. Using artificial intelligence, it determines which messages are most important to you and puts them into a Focused tab, while putting everything else into an Other tab. That way you can spend most of your time handling important messages in the Focused tab, only occasionally checking the Other tab.  

To turn on Focused Inbox, select the View tab from the Ribbon, then click the Show Focused Inbox icon. From now on, you’ll have two tabs in your Inbox, Focused and Other. The Focused tab should have the most important messages, and the Other tab should have less important messages. If that’s not the case, you can manually move messages from one folder to the other and tell Focused Inbox to automatically filter them in that way in the future.

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Turning on Focused Inbox puts less important emails out of your way in the Other tab. (Click image to enlarge it.)

To move a message from one tab to another, right-click the message you want to move, then select Move to Other or Move to Focused, depending on where you want the message moved. That will move the message just this once. If you want to permanently route all messages from that sender to the other tab, choose either Always Move to Other or Always Move to Focused.

Focused Inbox isn’t for everybody. If you find that Focused Inbox hinders more than it helps, you can toggle it back off by selecting View > Show Focused Inbox.

Keep email messages out of the way but handy with the Archive folder

Outlook has long offered email message archiving — that is, the option to move messages out of your Outlook mailbox and into a separate PST file as a space-saving measure. Corporate versions of Office, such as Office 365 for Enterprise, offer their own archiving features that automatically archive users’ older messages, again to save space. These methods remove the messages from the user’s Outlook mailbox. You can still get them back, but it takes some doing.

There’s another option in Outlook for Microsoft 365: You can move specific pieces of mail out of your inbox or other folders and into the Archive folder. That way, when looking for a message, you can browse or search the Archive folder and find the message more quickly.

Using the Archive folder doesn’t reduce the size of your mailbox; it simply helps tidy up your inbox while keeping older messages instantly accessible. Microsoft recommends that you use the Archive folder to store messages that you’ve already responded to or acted on.

If you already have a system of folders and subfolders in Outlook, you might not need the Archive folder, but it can be a boon for those of us who tend to leave everything in the inbox. And even if you do have a folder system, you might find that not all of your email fits neatly into your folders and subfolders; you can move these messages to the Archive folder to keep your inbox clean.

To move messages to the Archive folder, first select one or more that you want to archive. (Select multiple messages by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each one you want to select.) With the message or messages selected, go to the Ribbon’s Home tab and click Archive in the Delete group, right-click the message or group of messages and select Archive, or simply drag the selected message(s) to the Archive folder. You can also move an individual email to the Archive folder by pressing the Backspace key when the message is highlighted or when you’re reading it.

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Choose the last item in the pop-up menu to move the selected messages to the Archive folder. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Now when you need to find a message, you can browse the Archive folder or else go to the Archive folder and launch a search.

To move a message out of the Archive folder to a different folder, simply drag it to its destination.

Find attachments more easily — and share ‘cloud attachments’

We’ve all been there: We want to attach a file we were recently working on, but don’t remember its precise location — or sometimes even its name — and spend far too much time navigating and searching for it.

Outlook solves the problem neatly. When you click the Attach File icon, a list of the 12 most recent files you’ve been using pops up. The list includes all the files you’ve been using on any device, as long as you’re signed in to your Office 365 or Microsoft account. So if you were working on a file on your desktop, then later in the day took your laptop to work outside your office, Outlook would show you the files you had opened on both devices. If a file is stored in OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint, you’ll see a cloud on its icon.

If the file you want isn’t in the list, click Browse this PC to browse your local hard disk, or Browse Web Locations to browse OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint.

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Outlook shows you a list of Office files you’ve recently used, making it easier to find and attach them to an outgoing email.(Click image to enlarge it.)

Click the file you want to attach. What happens next depends on where the file is stored. If you choose a file that’s stored on your local hard drive, a copy of it will be attached to the email in the usual way.

If you click on a file that’s stored in OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint, you’ll be given a choice: You can choose Attach as copy to send the file as a normal attachment or Share link to send a link to the file in its cloud location, something Microsoft informally calls a “cloud attachment.”

The latter option ensures that people will see the most recent version of the file and lets them collaborate on it. For example, if you send a link to a Word file to multiple people, when they click the link, they’ll open the file and be able to collaborate on it with each other live using Word’s collaboration features.

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Sharing a link to a file stored in OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint lets you collaborate on the file with others. (Click image to enlarge it.)

If you’re in a business environment, by default anyone within your organization can edit the file, and for individuals, the default is that anyone can edit the file. But you can change the collaboration permissions. After you’ve attached the link to the email message, click the down arrow next to the attachment icon and select Change Permissions from the drop-down menu. Individual users will have a choice of Anyone Can Edit or Anyone Can View. Business users have a few more options: Anyone Can Edit, Anyone Can View, Organization Can Edit, Organization Can View, Recipients Can Edit, and Recipients Can View. Make your selection and then send the file on its way.

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Choosing collaboration permissions for a shared file link. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Work in Microsoft 365 Groups

If you work in an office that uses Microsoft 365 Groups, you can now join groups, create new groups, schedule meetings on a group calendar and more, all from within Outlook.

Microsoft 365 Groups, available for most Microsoft 365 and Office 365 business and enterprise plans, make it easy to collaborate with others by designating a set of people with whom to share resources, such as a document library, shared calendar, and/or shared email account. Groups can be for departments, project teams, and so on, and when a group is created, all the appropriate permissions are automatically granted for everybody in the group.

Creating a new group from inside Outlook is simple. Select the Home tab in the Ribbon, and over to the right in the Groups section, select New Group. Then fill in information for the group, including its name, description, whether it’s private or public within your organization, and so on.

outlook microsoft365 11 create group

Creating a Microsoft 365 group from inside Outlook. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Note that your IT department needs to set up provisioning for Microsoft 365 Groups, so check with IT for more details about creating and using groups. Also, in order to use Microsoft 365 Groups in Outlook, you need to use Outlook in Cached Exchange Mode. See this Microsoft support page for details.

Other new features to check out

Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365 has several more useful features. Although they’re not as significant as the other features we’ve covered here, they’re worth knowing about.

Message encryption: In older versions of Outlook, there’s a Permissions button that lets you set permission levels for an email — for example, “Confidential,” “Internal,” and “Do Not Forward.” In Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365, that button has been replaced with an Encrypt button that lets you encrypt the message with S/MIME or Microsoft 365 Message Encryption.

For details, see Microsoft’s “Encrypt email messages” help page.

Quick Actions: If you hover your cursor over any email in your message list, tiny Quick Action icons appear. These let you perform tasks such as deleting or archiving the message with a single click. By default, the two icons that appear are Follow Up and Delete, but you can customize that by right-clicking on any message in the list and selecting Set Quick Actions from the pop-up menu. You can designate only two Quick Action icons — your options are Archive, Delete, Move, Flag/Clear Flag, and Mark as Read/Unread — but Delete appears even if you don’t select it.

Note that Quick Actions does not replace Outlook’s more complex Quick Steps feature, which lets you apply multiple actions to a message at the same time. Quick Actions simply provides a quick way to do a few frequently performed actions.

Built-in translation: You no longer have to use a translation add-in for other languages — it’s now built directly into Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365. Right-click words, phrases, or the entire message and select Translate from the menu that pops up.

Turn grammar suggestions on and off: Outlook offers grammar suggestions — you’ll know they’re there when you see underlined text, which marks the text as having an error. If you’d prefer not to see them, you can turn them off. To do it, create a new email, and with it open, go to File > Options > Mail, and in the “Compose messages” section, click Editor Options. On the screen that appears, select Proofing, and under “When correcting spelling in Outlook,” uncheck the Mark grammar errors as you type box. You can still check grammar at any time by pressing F7.

Dictate messages: Look, ma, no hands! With Microsoft 365/Office 365, you can dictate messages. Once you’ve created an email, select Message > Dictate from the Ribbon and start talking.

Use the same Outlook settings on all your devices: If you use Outlook on more than one machine, you can store your settings for features such as Automatic Replies, Focused Inbox, and Privacy in the cloud, and they’ll automatically be applied to all your Windows PCs. To turn it on, go to File > Options > General. Under “Cloud storage options,” check the box next to Store my Outlook settings in the cloud.

Regardless of whether you do that, any signatures you create in Outlook will be automatically stored in the cloud so that they’ll be available on all your devices.

Handy keyboard shortcuts

If you’re a fan of keyboard shortcuts, you’ll be pleased to find out that Outlook for Microsoft 365 has them. The table below highlights the most useful ones, and more are listed on Microsoft’s Office site.

And if you really want to go whole-hog with keyboard shortcuts, download our Outlook for Microsoft 365 Ribbon quick reference guide, which explores the most useful commands on each Ribbon tab and provides keyboard shortcuts for each.

Useful Outlook keyboard shortcuts

General shortcuts 
 Ctrl-OOpen selected item
 EscClose an open item (message, appointment, contact, task, etc.)
 Ctrl-DDelete selected item
 Ctrl-ASelect all items
 Ctrl-CCopy selected item
 Ctrl-XCut selected item
 Ctrl-VPaste item from the clipboard
 Ctrl-ZUndo last action
 Ctrl-Shift-GFlag an item for follow-up
 F3 or Ctrl-EGo to the Search box
 Ctrl-Shift-FUse Advanced Find
 F4Search for text within an open item
 F7Check spelling and grammar
 Ctrl-BMake text bold
 Ctrl-IMake text italic
 Ctrl-Shift-LAdd bullets
 Ctrl-1Switch to Mail
 Ctrl-2Switch to Calendar
 Ctrl-3Switch to Contacts
 Ctrl-4Switch to Tasks
 Ctrl-5Switch to Notes
 Alt-HGo to the Home tab on the Ribbon
Email shortcuts 
 Ctrl-NCreate a new message (when in Mail)
 Ctrl-Shift-MCreate a new message (from any Outlook view)
 ↑ (up arrow) / ↓ (down arrow)Go to the previous / next message (in the email list)
 Ctrl-. (period)Go to the previous message (when you have a message open)
 Ctrl-, (comma)Go to the next message (when you have a message open)
 SpacebarIn the Reading Pane, move a page down through text
 Shift-SpacebarIn the Reading Pane, move a page up through text
 Ctrl-QMark message as read
 Ctrl-UMark message as unread
 Alt-H, MVMove message to a folder
 Alt-SSend a message
 F9 or Ctrl-MSend/Receive mail
 Ctrl-Shift-RReply All
 Alt-H, AFAttach a file to a message
 Ctrl-Shift-ECreate a folder
 Ctrl-YIn the Folder pane, go to a different folder
 ← (left arrow) / → (right arrow)Collapse / expand a conversation group in the email message list
Calendar shortcuts 
 Ctrl-NCreate a new appointment (when in Calendar)
 Ctrl-Shift-ACreate a new appointment (from any Outlook view)
 Ctrl-Shift-QCreate a meeting request
 Alt-SSnooze a reminder
 Ctrl-FForward an appointment or meeting
 Ctrl-RReply to a meeting request with a message
 Ctrl-Shift-RReply All to a meeting request with a message
 Ctrl-GGo to a date
 Alt-1, Alt-2, etc.Show 1, 2, etc. days in the calendar
 Ctrl-Alt-2 or Alt– (minus sign)Switch to Work Week view
 Ctrl-Alt-3Switch to Full Week view
 Ctrl-Alt-4 or Alt-= (equals sign)Switch to Month view
 ← (left arrow) / → (right arrow)Go to the previous / next day
 Alt-↑ (up arrow) / Alt-↓ (down arrow)Go to the previous / next week
 Alt-Page Up / Alt-Page DownGo to the previous / next month
 Ctrl-. (period)Go to the previous appointment
 Ctrl-, (comma)Go to the next appointment
Contacts shortcuts 
 Ctrl-NCreate a new contact (when in Contacts)
 Ctrl-Shift-CCreate a new contact (from any Outlook view)
 Ctrl-Shift-LCreate a new contact group
 F11Find a contact
 Ctrl-Shift-BOpen the Address Book
Tasks shortcuts 
 Ctrl-NCreate a new task (when in Tasks)
 Ctrl-Shift-KCreate a new task (from any Outlook view)
 Ctrl-Shift-Alt-UCreate a new task request
 Ctrl-CAccept a task request
 Ctrl-DDecline a task request
Notes shortcuts 
 Ctrl-NCreate a new note (when in Notes)
 Ctrl-Shift-NCreate a new note (from any Outlook view)

Don’t forget to download our Outlook for Microsoft 365 Ribbon quick reference!