A look behind the scenes at Computerworld's three No. 1 places to work in IT: Quicken Loans, Credit Acceptance and Noah Consulting.
Computerworld’s Michael DeAgonia was among the first wave of Apple Watch buyers to actually get his Watch in late April. Here’s his take on what’s important about the wearable and whether it’s a must-have device.
At the Agenda15 conference, Computerworld spoke with Bill Martin, CIO at Royal Caribbean Cruises, on how citizen developers are deployed and utilized at the company.
Researchers in Silicon Valley have developed insect-size robots that can manufacture microstructures that are too small and complex to be built by current machinery or by hand. The robots are part of work by SRI International into next-generation man...
Computerworld's Ellen Fanning chats with Kathy Fuertes from Vanguard about the company's IT project to help mobilize location services for conference rooms at Vanguard offices.
The LTE version of the Lumia 640 will cost 159 euros and the 640XL will cost 219 euros.